Your favorite fitness influencer probably has talked about it and put heavy emphasis on the amount macros and micros they have in a day or per meal. Okay, so what does this mean to you? ALOT! The time and when you consume them just might affect your waistline…NEGATIVELY. Now let’s talk about the big deal of macros and micros.
What are Macros?
Macros refer to macronutrients, which means when consumed it is consumed in large amounts. There are three types of Macros are Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat. I like to think of these as the main driver of energy production before, during and after any physical activity. The best time to consume a large number of macros would be after your workout. It helps the body recover and fuels it with new energy.
The body’s “preferred” source of energy. Carbs contain about 4 calories per gram. Oftentimes, the body does not use all of them so it is then stored as glycogen. Stored glycogen increases during physical activity to power you through strenuous workouts. This doesn’t mean go indulging unless you are carb-loading like Sumo wrestlers.
Does so many good things to the body but in terms of physical activity, it aide with repairs of damaged tissue and rebuilding of new muscle cells. Protein also contains about 4 calories per gram.
As much as we dislike the term but it has so much value to the body and organs. We need a little more of it than carbs and protein. About 9 calories per gram are needed daily. Fat serves an important role in insulating the body, cell structure, hormone production and many more. The right type of fat is important to note. You’ll mainly hear of Saturated, Trans fat and Unsaturated fat.
AVOID!! At room temperature this type of fat is solid at room temperature. So imagine what it can do to your arteries. A diet including such fat increases a person’s chance of developing atherosclerosis (plaque build-up or a blocked artery.) For example, beef, cheese, and egg yolk
Trans fat:
RUN! Effects are similar to saturated fat but worse. Trans fat is used to elongate the shelf life of items. That is why people should limit the number of items they purchase from the middle aisles and have items more from the parameters of the store. Examples of trans fat include palm oil, fried fast food, and battered fish
Go for!! This type of fat is liquid at room temperature meaning less damage to the arteries. This type of fat can be found in plant-based products or fish. For example, avocado, nuts, egg and plenty more. I ENJOY COOKING WITH SOYBEANS OIL.
What are Micros?
Micros refers to Micronutrients, which means, they are needed in small amounts to fuel the body for better performance. Types of micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. Good news vitamins are organic and non-caloric. Vitamins are consumed through foods except for vitamin K, biotin and Vitamin D. Meanwhile, minerals are found in the body and in foods.
Now go feast on your favorite macros and micros!