Who would have thought gyms would be close for this length of time? This outbreak comes with a lesson! We need to always have a plan B and sometimes a plan C. Divas, I know, gym closures must have been an awful experience if you weren’t prepared. However, this minor setback will not interfere with our daily routine for long. Honestly, the gyms are expected to remain close much longer. Its time to own these essential items and start building that home gym. All listed items are good for initiating weight loss, toning, and building muscles. They are also CHEAP and easy to store away.
Adjustable Dumbbells
These types of dumbbells are slightly different from the vinyl. Adjustable dumbbell has heavier loads; with it being adjustable you have control over the weight. If you are a novice trainer vinyl dumbbells are best since they cover a wider range of pounds. You will reap the benefits if you incorporate it with strength training with a focus on unilateral training.
Kettlebell Grip
The kettlebell grip allows you to skip purchasing the actual thing. Listen,we are all about saving our benjamin’s. With the grip, you are able to transform your dumbbell to a kettlebell. This is efficient when dealing with a small space. Amazon has a great lineup of this bad boy.
Resistance Band
Resistance training has become popular over the years. At home you won’t get the same type of resistance training that you normally would in the gym but having a resistance band it’s almost equal to creating similar results. Resistance bands have a various intensity which gives you versatility when creating a workout.
Adjustable Ankle Weights
Like dumbbells and kettle bells, ankle weights add a little edge to burn extra calories. Ankle weights are great addition to your home gym for so many reason. It can be incorporated in many exercises; from the basics of walking to the most sophisticated exercise. Also, DO NOT limit its usage for just your legs; put them around each arm and work upper body.
Jump Rope
We all have a love and hate relationship with cardio. However, you enjoy getting your daily dose of cardio if it isn’t by running try jumping rope. It’s a great way to lose excess fat fast. No, doing an alternative of air jump rope does not equal the real deal. The motion is not full-on when doing your jump rope compared to actually jumping in with the rope. Muscles work more!
Yoga Mat
Not just any mat but one with a decent amount of padding. You can go without this item but if you have wood floors I recommend you invest in one. We do A lot of jump squats and if you don’t have a carpeted floor it’s best to do it on the mat. It also helps prevent joint injuries by absorbing the shock when landing.