How much is too much weight training for women? As a female in the fitness industry I get asked this question often in fear of losing femininin physique. If this is you, keep reading as I shed some light on this matter.
Currently, there is not a single study that can definitively answer the question, How often should women weight train? Although, the answer to that question will vary for each person. It is best for women to strength train at least four or seven days out of the week. The extent of which women weight train will be the difference. When we lift during strength training, think of it as putting the finishing touches on a masterpiece. Yes, you are a masterpiece! Building muscle mass helps burn fat during and after your workout. The same muscle mass will help reshape your figure and have you feeling yourself again.

If you have lean muscles and are trying to add muscle mass, you will need to lift heavy and low reps. Your tempo/pace while performing movement should be slow and controlled. In the process, remember to breathe as your muscles need oxygen. However, if you are already bulky, light to moderate weight will be ideal when training the upper body. Also, maintain a slow and controlled tempo/pace. If you fall into this category, your goal is to not look like a football player. It is important to note some exercises are suitable for one group and not the other.
Does the same rule apply to the lower body? Yes and No. The same principle applies but will ultimately depend on how your muscles are structured. We’ll expand on this in another blog post.
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